Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tonic of the day-Laughter

1)This is a bar scene. A fellow is sitting and enjoying hid beer.Suddenly he remembers something so he needs to go to the hotel room that is on second floor.He didnot want any body touch his drink,so he writes a note and drops it in the glass.That note was 'No body should take this glass because I spat in this!"After coming back he saw a note saying "So did I! " Poor fellow lost the glass eirther way.

2)One candidate came for the interview. His all papers were scanned carefully.Hr person called him for the interview at last.HR person told "Your record is really bad as it shows from every place you have worked you have been fired! why? " The candidate said maitaining his cool" Yes sir!,at least i am not a quitter!"

3)A recent college student gets a job at the farthest place.Commutin alone,he found it boring crossing the hills and tunnels.So he invited friends to join him.He became all the more frustrated and disturbed.Oneday he went to Doctor to consult.He told"Doctor I am fine on the bridges,in the traffic in the day and night, and even when his close friend Jolly forgets bathing. Bot now with these four boys when I entre the tunnel,I feel dizzy,as if am going to explode any moment! Am I sane or insane?" "No no my boy it is very common it is called carpool tunnel syndrome."
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Laughter the best medicine

1)A guy had been feeling down for so long that he finally decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.
He went ther lay on the couch,spilled his guts the waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to mke him feel better.
The psychitrist asked him a few questions,took some notes,then sat thinking in silence for a few minutes witha puzzled look on his face.Suddenly he looked up with an expression of delight and said 'Um... I think your problem is low sefl esteem...... it is common among losers!'
2)Interviewing crazy:- A man was admitted in the asylum ,after a long time the persons in charge thought that he may be released. The head of the institution felt he should take an interview of the out going person! So the inetrview was arranged.The first question he asked was 'Tell me if we release you what will you do with your life?' The inmate said,"It is wondeful to get back to my life.I will refrain from my former mistake.I was a nuclear physicist,it was the stress of my work landed me here.If I am released I shall confine myself to pure theory,where I trust the situation will be under control.

'Or else I might teach! there is something to be said for spending one's life in bringing up a new generation of scientists.Then again I might write a novel based on my experiences in this fine institution.' 'An interesting possibility.'said the head.'And finally if none of these things appeals to me I can always continue to be a teakettle.'!
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Humor-buried under Technology?

My feeling goes with the title.Yes nowadays humor is the long lost thing in our daily life! Let's me try to revive it through my blog. I read recently this write up. goes like this. Once a lady of late sixties entered the super mall. She was frantically looking for some one. At last she found a young guy.The she started following him. That boy was amazed and astonished because he couldn't get a link! The she told him 'I have a son who resembles you a lot. So I am very happy to see you. Can you call me mamma. when I leave this premises?'

The young guy was very happy and excited even. She bought all the things what all she needed and
while leaving stood at the exit,looking at the young guy.That boy was carried away by emotion.He called her and said loudly 'bye bye mama...see you !'

Then the bill collector came to him and told him to pay the bill.That old lady had told the bill collector that 'My son will pay the bill. ' The young guy had to cough up 200 $ just for three apples!
Bottom line:- Beware of older ladies...some may outsmart you...!s
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