1)A guy had been feeling down for so long that he finally decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.
He went ther lay on the couch,spilled his guts the waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to mke him feel better.
The psychitrist asked him a few questions,took some notes,then sat thinking in silence for a few minutes witha puzzled look on his face.Suddenly he looked up with an expression of delight and said 'Um... I think your problem is low sefl esteem...... it is common among losers!'
2)Interviewing crazy:- A man was admitted in the asylum ,after a long time the persons in charge thought that he may be released. The head of the institution felt he should take an interview of the out going person! So the inetrview was arranged.The first question he asked was 'Tell me if we release you what will you do with your life?' The inmate said,"It is wondeful to get back to my life.I will refrain from my former mistake.I was a nuclear physicist,it was the stress of my work landed me here.If I am released I shall confine myself to pure theory,where I trust the situation will be under control.
He went ther lay on the couch,spilled his guts the waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to mke him feel better.
The psychitrist asked him a few questions,took some notes,then sat thinking in silence for a few minutes witha puzzled look on his face.Suddenly he looked up with an expression of delight and said 'Um... I think your problem is low sefl esteem...... it is common among losers!'
2)Interviewing crazy:- A man was admitted in the asylum ,after a long time the persons in charge thought that he may be released. The head of the institution felt he should take an interview of the out going person! So the inetrview was arranged.The first question he asked was 'Tell me if we release you what will you do with your life?' The inmate said,"It is wondeful to get back to my life.I will refrain from my former mistake.I was a nuclear physicist,it was the stress of my work landed me here.If I am released I shall confine myself to pure theory,where I trust the situation will be under control.
'Or else I might teach! there is something to be said for spending one's life in bringing up a new generation of scientists.Then again I might write a novel based on my experiences in this fine institution.' 'An interesting possibility.'said the head.'And finally if none of these things appeals to me I can always continue to be a teakettle.'!
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